When you face a vast array of motherboards in the market, you would probably be confused which on earth is the best for you to build the computer. Since motherboard is a part so leading that finally all system's components join together back to it, if you select an inappropriate one, your computer may come to problems later on. When you buy a motherboard, you have to attach point to its brand, potential and specifications. A good brand means a high-quality stock and an perfect service. Currently, there is a plurality of well-known motherboard brands such as Asus, Gigabyte, and Msi in the shop that each could be the first option when purchasing one lest some unexpected problems occur and influence your general life.
When you have decided which make you will buy, you still need to read on and learn about several factors to consider. One is the chipset on the board, which decides the main technical specifications of a motherboard. For example, potential motherboard often use the chipsets like 975X, 975P offered by Intel Corp, or chipsets like C51G, nForce4 Sli/Sli X16 supplied by Nvidia Corp. Two, select the approved type of Cpu to maintain your motherboard. There are mainly two kinds of motherboard, one is the Intel series and the other is the Amd series.
Ddr2 Pc
If you only deal with some daily files and surf the net, and would not let your computer often run in a high speed, you can select an Amd motherboard and match a good-price Amd Cpu; on the contrary, you can consider an Intel Motherboard with an Intel Cpu. Three, the number and type of expansion slots and connectors on the motherboard Currently you'd good select a motherboard designed to specifically maintain Ddr2 memory and dual channel memory, additionally it should at least have 4 expansion slots.
Four, the type of Usb ports - It's best that the motherboard have both Ata/100 and S-Ata ports so you can select one of them favorably and strengthen your hard disk. Five, are there sound card and network card integrated onto your motherboard? If you are not so significant of the sound quality, it's best to select a motherboard with built-in sound card and network card so you can simplify the process of computer installation. Six, does the motherboard maintain the Raid? The Raid is currently mainly used in servers to enhance the reliability of data, so if you are demanding on the data security, you can select a motherboard that has this feature.
How to select a Best Motherboard
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